Welcome to Dōtaku Island

Our work centralises on grass pokemon, their care, their health,
and the general relationships we share with them.

Read Pokemon Legends Electus

Professor Peach is whisked away to the ancient Hisui region with her partner Valka, thrown into a world of chaos trying to find her way home. Her goals seem unclear, but according to a new-hire Celebi who’s tasked with taking her back in time, Peach must survive and aid the past, to make sure the future is safe when she returns.


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Stay up to date with Dotaku Island on the exclusive Patreon, find work in progress images, behind the scenes content, chat with Peach on the private Discord server and Support the production of the Comic.

Get your hands on Concept work you won’t find anywhere else & see the development of the art behind the legend.

Dotaku Islands very own Professor Peach

Head on over to Tumblr to get the most out of peach’s adventures

The principal here is to rationalise and use logic and sometimes real life facts to make the pokemon world seem very real and even more amazing than it already is!

- Professor Peach